Author's Guide

The Journal MVM publishes original papers which have not been previously published in other journals. This is responsibility of the author. The authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher when the article is accepted for publication.
The language of the Journal is English. Journal Mobility & Vehicles Mechanics is at the SSCI list. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed. The first author is correspondence person.

Manuscript submission: Papers should be mailed to:; or by registered mail to address:

Faculty of Engineering
International Journal MVM
Sestre Janjić 6
34000 Kragujevac

Obaveštenje autorima

Časopis MVM objavljuje orginalne radove koji nisu prethodno objavljivani u drugim časopisima, što je odgovornost autora. Za rad koji je prihvaćen za štampu, prava umnožavanja pripadaju izdavaču. Časopis se izdaje na engleskom jeziku. Časopis Mobility & Vehicles Mechanics se nalazi na SSCI listi. Svi prispeli radovi se recenziraju. Sva komunikacija se obavlja sa prvim autorom.

Dostavljanje rada je elektronski na e-mail:; ili poštom na adresu:

Redakcija časopisa MVM
Fakultet inženjerskih nauka
Sestre Janjić 6
34000 Kragujevac